Opposition to Licence Application on Lower Clapton Road
1. This is a proposal for a night club with extremely late hours that will almost certainly cause a major public nuisance in our local area. To have patrons exiting a club at 4.30am will cause a serious inconvenience to residents of Gooch House in particular – a block of 80 flats, many of which are occupied by elderly people, directly to the rear of this premises. This will be the only premises with such extraordinarily late hours in the Clapton area and will have a major impact on the surrounding residential streets – with lots of inebriated customers coming and going throughout the early hours of the morning.
2. I am not convinced that the building is equipped to contain the noise that will be emitted as a result of this licence.
3. The extension of the hours of the night time economy in Clapton will impact on public safety because it will impose a major additional demand on the police.
Unfortunately I could not respond to this before the deadline of 5 December 2014 as I was travelling.
Clearly tho is likely to be a massive nuisance to local residents and businesses. In addition, however, I note that it will provide a huge problem for traffic and buses. Although the late hours do not impinge on local business hours, they are likely to be very busy – I remember the dreaded Chines with three lanes of parking on each side of the road at 3am, meaning that night buses could not get through and I do not see this as being any different.
I am not sure how this might be able to be included in the objection process (if it has not been already) but it is a substantive issue that should be brought to the Council’s attention.