Petition – Keeping Police Levels in Hackney

For those concerned about the level of policing in Hackney, there is now a petition on the Hackney website calling for more police officers for the borough. Hackney had 770 officers in 2010. The total planned for 2015 is 685, but it is already below that and predicted to fall to as few as 600. The petition says: “I am writing to...

READ MORE Petition – Keeping Police Levels in Hackney

Chatsworth Road Neighbourhood Plan – First Public Events

Chatsworth Road neighbourhood (neighbours to CPNAG) has a very active community WWW.CHATSWORTHROADE5.CO.UK  who have been developing a Neighbourhood Plan for a fair time now. Over the next few weeks they are holding four public events in order to give everyone in the designated area a chance to share their ideas and views on what can be included in the neighbourhood plan. The times...

READ MORE Chatsworth Road Neighbourhood Plan – First Public Events

CPNAG – Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting 2013 – It’s your neighbourhood, be part of its ongoing development!

This year’s AGM will be held on Monday, the 18th February, 2013 7 – 9.30pm at St John’s Ambulance Hall, Mildenhall Road, E5. Come along for a review of the past year’s activities, to meet the outgoing committee and other people, to discuss plans for the coming year, to explore visions for the neighbourhood, and the wider area of Clapton, and to vote on the new committee. We’d love fresh ideas and energy (or that of returning people) and it’d be great to chat about how you might want to be involved, and how you’d want to benefit.

READ MORE CPNAG – Annual General Meeting

Leabridge Ward Community First Panel funding bids deadline is approaching fast!

The deadline for this year’s bids is 31 January 2013.  We would like to encourage bids typically around £500 although bids can be made up to around £2,500. The final decision on awarding the grant will be made by the Community Development Foundation. Bids can be sent in any time up to the final deadline of noon, 31 January 2013....

READ MORE Leabridge Ward Community First Panel funding bids deadline is approaching fast!

Public meeting concerning a Neighbourhood Plan for the Clapton area

A Public meeting concerning a possible Neighbourhood Plan for part of the Clapton area will be held on Wednesday January 23, 7pm. At B6 Sixth Form College, at the junction of Lower Clapton Road and Lea Bridge Road  All welcome The meeting and potential plan have been initiated by The Clapton Arts Trust and Cazenove Architects Further details on This is supported...

READ MORE Public meeting concerning a Neighbourhood Plan for the Clapton area

Pond House works are being monitored

CPNAG are monitoring progress on Pond House, receiving reports on the refurbishment works. The garages in Mildenhall Road have now been cleared, and an ugly extension at the back of the house removed. Work will be starting on building six town houses on the site of the garages, while renovation work starts inside Pond House itself. At one point the...

READ MORE Pond House works are being monitored

Community First Panel priorities up to March 2013

The Leabridge Ward Community First Panel met on October 25 and agreed the priorities for funding for the year to March 2013: To help promote the local economy To improve the quality of community life To bring different communities together To support the local heritage. It was reported that all last year’s bids had eventually been approved by the Community...

READ MORE Community First Panel priorities up to March 2013

Pond Noticeboard repaired

Clapton Pond’s main noticeboard has been restored following an attack by vandals last year, damaging the lettering and surface.

The noticeboard was paid for by funds raised by CPNAG and has a history of the pond and details of the refurbishment project depicted on it. It was originally created by a team led by Eve Harrison of CPNAG who has overseen the current repair of damage.

READ MORE Pond Noticeboard repaired

Clean Up Clapton Day

The annual Clean Up Clapton Day will be on Thursday 11th October 2012, centred around BSix College, Kenninghall Road, E5 8PB from 10.30am. As in previous years, there will be stalls outside the college, various cleaning initiatives, jetting of paving stones in the area, hoovering of leaves, distribution of free bags for re-use as part of the local shop smart...

READ MORE Clean Up Clapton Day

Olympic Park Legacy – Public meeting on 17th October

Find out more about plans to spend £292m transforming the Olympic Park at a public meeting organised by the legacy body on 17 October, 6.30 – 8pm at Wally Foster Community Centre, Homerton Road, E9 5QB, call 08000 722 110. “all the facts about job and training opportunities, new homes and opening dates”.

READ MORE Olympic Park Legacy – Public meeting on 17th October