The Clapton Festival 2014
THE CLAPTON FESTIVAL So successful in 2011, ’12 & ’13, is due to return. An initial meeting for all those interested in being involved, in any way, has been called. Date: Monday, 28th April 2014 Time: 6.30pm Location: Hackney Heart, 411 Narrow Way Mare Street www.hackneyheart.com ALL WELCOME, OLD & NEW!! SPREAD THE WORD!!! For a flavour of previous Festivals, see:...

Leabridge Ward Community First Panel – Notes of meeting on 21 November 2013
Further to CPNAG’s support of Leabridge Ward Community First Panel (see https://claptonpond.org/community-first/ ) we have been keeping you up to date with funding deadlines on here (most recent has now passed). Below are the notes from the November Bid Setting Meeting. Keep your eyes open for news of the successful bids…. coming soon. THE NOTES: · Discussed...
READ MORE Leabridge Ward Community First Panel – Notes of meeting on 21 November 2013

Welcome to a not so regular visitor!
Ms, or Mr, Heron dropped in on the neighbourhood this week!

Pond House lights up!
With thanks to local friend of CPNAG, Teresa Dunne, for this shot of Pond House at night. Another step along the road to completion.

AGM Reminder – Our 12th year!!
Further to our post 2 weeks ago, this is a reminder that there is just one week to go until the Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group (CPNAG) 12th Annual General Meeting All welcome, familiar faces and new! When: Thursday, 27 March, 2014 7.30 – 9.00pm Where: St John’s Ambulance Hall, Mildenhall Road, E5 WHY? we hear you ask in...

Pond House – Lives again
Pond House, the Grade 2 listed, Georgian House, overlooking Clapton Pond, is, after many years, coming back to life. (For the history, see https://claptonpond.org/about/about-clapton-pond/history-of-pond-house/). Whether one wanted to see it pass into community usage, or were keen to see it developed into homes as it has been, it is great to see it renovated and enhancing the landscape around the...

Stop Press: An Error and an Apology
A notice was posted yesterday – 7th March 2014 – advertising our upcoming AGM on March 27th. We made an error with the information. We advertised the event as running from 7.00 – 9.30pm. This is in fact incorrect. It should read as running from 7.30 – 9.00pm. This has now been corrected. Our apologies for any confusion this error...

12th Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting 2014 – It’s your neighbourhood, be part of its ongoing development! All welcome, familiar faces and new!!
This year’s AGM will be held on Thursday, 27th March, 2014, 7.30 – 9.00pm at St John’s Ambulance Hall, Mildenhall Road, E5. Come along for a review of the past year’s activities, as well as what we’ve accomplished during our existence, to meet the outgoing committee and other people, to discuss plans for the coming year, to explore ideas for the neighbourhood, and the wider area of Clapton, and to vote on the new committee. We’d love fresh ideas and energy (or that of returning people) and it’d be great to chat about how you might want to be involved, what matters to you and how you’d want to benefit.

Funding for local community groups now available from Leabridge Ward Community First Panel
Applications for funding from the Community First Programme are now open. The Closing Date for bids is 12 noon, 1 February 2014. Please see below for more details about the programme and how to apply for funding.
READ MORE Funding for local community groups now available from Leabridge Ward Community First Panel