A Call Out to the Community, and a date for your diary.

Date for Your Diary: Carols at The Pond Saturday, Dec 15th at 4pm. Organised in partnership with Reverend Rosemia Brown and St James Church Please let your friends and neighbours know There will be further notices near the time. Now, the ‘CALL OUT’! Our normal musical accompaniment to this event (usually a wonderful accordion player) will not be available. SO,...

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Pond Bridge Repairs and Maintenance

Hackney Council Parks Department have informed us that Clapton Pond bridge will be closed for repairs and maintenance for 21 days – from 20 August until 17 September. Work will include: Tackling areas of corrosion – cleaning and applying a suitable protective coating Decking – Cleaning and applying a suitable, non-toxic preservative to prolong the life of the bracing. Deterioration to...

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Annual General Meeting

CPNAG Annual General Meeting Monday March 19, 7.30pm The Salvation Army Centre 122 Lower Clapton Road, E5 All Welcome New faces and old friends Come and meet your neighbours, find out about CPNAG and, even, get involved. Following a short business meeting, we will have the chance to hear: Norman Jacobs Well known historian of, and author of a book...

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Get to know your partners at the AGM

Come and build partnerships, with ducks, with flowers, with benches, with herons, with snow, with fountains, with horses, Oh, and with one or two people!!!! Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group (CPNAG) Annual General Meeting All welcome, familiar faces and new! When: Monday, 13th February, 2017  (TODAY!!!!!)     7.30 – 9.00pm Where: St John’s Ambulance Hall, 1a Mildenhall Road, E5 For a brief recap of...

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Next Monday – That AGM you have been waiting for!!!!!!!!!

In case you missed last week’s notice, or it has slipped your mind, here is all the information again: Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group (CPNAG) Annual General Meeting All welcome, familiar faces and new! When: Monday, 13th February, 2017       7.30 – 9.00pm Where: St John’s Ambulance Hall, 1a Mildenhall Road, E5 A brief recap of our history (For those who don’t know,...

READ MORE Next Monday – That AGM you have been waiting for!!!!!!!!!

A date for your diary – it’s AGM time!!!!

Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group (CPNAG) Annual General Meeting All welcome, familiar faces and new!  When: Monday, 13th February, 2015       7.30 – 9.00pm Where: St John’s Ambulance Hall, 1a Mildenhall Road, E5 A brief recap of our history (For those who don’t know, this is the great stuff we’ve done!) We have been working together for the last decade and more, to improve...

READ MORE A date for your diary – it’s AGM time!!!!