Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group AGM

Monday 7th Feb from 7.30-9.00pm
Find out all about CPNAG and what we do and, even, get involved – there are always lots of opportunities to contribute to the community, at all kinds of levels, even during these more restricted times.
Following a short business meeting, and election of Committee for the year, we will have the chance to hear Councillor Caroline Woodley, Cabinet Member for Families, Early Years, Parks & Play will speak about the new Green Infrastructure Strategy and what it will mean for local residents. (THE WHAT?)
“Green infrastructure’ describes the network of parks and green spaces, trees and woodlands, rivers and wetlands, and new green features in the urban environment such as green roofs and walls. This network can be planned, designed and managed to provide a wide range of environmental, social and economic benefits that support more sustainable, livable and resilient neighbourhoods
This will be followed by a Q&A session.
All welcome