An invitation to start the year

An invitation to start the year (Well, to start Spring)!
We are always interested in, and welcoming to, new faces, energy, and ideas, and there are lots of ways to contribute to the local community through the work we do.
Whether you see a need in the community you want to be part of fulfilling and don’t want to do it on your own, or you just want to somehow ‘get involved’, or you have a particular skill or passion to contribute…..
The group have been in existence for around 20 years and, as you probably know from following us via our mailing list, have been involved in many initiatives, from the improvement of the parks and pond (from where our name comes), to being involved for a number of years in The Clapton Festival, to both campaigning, & liaising with the Council & Community, about various local issues.
We have some current ideas & projects that we can always do with partnership, support and expertise around, and also, as mentioned above, we’re always open to new energy and ideas.
Some specific areas in which we’d love more input:
– An idea to make a couple of short films about Clapton Pond (‘A day in the life of’ and ‘A year in the life of’). We’d love someone, or a group of people, to work on this, and produce it for use on our social media.
– We have access to a large number of on-line historical photos of the area used at a wonderful presentation at our AGM in 2018, from an author who used to live in the area. This would make a wonderful on-line presentation to share with our network, and the images need sorting and captioning. The owner of the images does not have the time to do this work and has offered to make them available to us.
– One of our members has done a lot of preliminary work and research to start a project of getting the play area at the Pond revamped. Her partner in the project sadly passed away last year and she is also now more limited for time. She would love some people to work with her on this as a team.
If any of this interests you in any way, you have ideas about the area and want to bring them to the group, or you’d just like to find out more about being involved, please be in touch and we can organise meeting up for a chat.