Want to oppose the ice centre planning application? Here’s how.

The Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA) wants to replace the current ice centre on Lea Bridge Road with a building that is almost twice the size. If planning permission is granted, it means we will lose precious Metropolitan Open Land (MOL), not to mention the huge impact of increased traffic, footfall and general disturbance to residents on Southwold and...

READ MORE Want to oppose the ice centre planning application? Here’s how.

Lammas Litter Pick Day

Join Lammas Day Litter Pick on August 1, 10.30am, meet at the rear of the Waterworks Nature Reserve and Golf Course. Litter picking with a purpose – celebrate the ancient Lammas Day (Celtic ‘Lughnasa’) on the Marshes that marks the end of haymaking and start of cattle grazing, and remember the Lammas Day 1892 event above. Meet at the rear...

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CPRE London

Thirteen short films (1 – 3 mins each) made by various park user groups across London (not including CPNAG, yet), in partnership with CPRE (The Countryside Charity) All worth watching!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgB6_gso82O7rFeLfX6opIg/videos CPRE London is London’s leading environment charity for protecting green spaces and making the city a better place for everyone!


Apply for a coronavirus Bounce Back Loan

Bounce Back Loans: The Bounce Back Loan scheme will help small and medium-sized businesses to borrow between £2,000 and £50,000. The government will guarantee 100% of the loan and there won’t be any fees or interest to pay for the first 12 months. Applications open on 4 May. https://ift.tt/2YjfpkV This scheme will help small and medium-sized businesses affected by coronavirus...

READ MORE Apply for a coronavirus Bounce Back Loan

Business rates | Hackney Council

Claim your coronavirus business grant online! The Council is managing the payment of grants from the Government’s small business grant fund and the retail, hospitality and leisure grant fund. Eligibility: Businesses who receive small business rates relief will be eligible to receive a £10,000 grant in 2020/21 on top of their existing relief. Businesses classed as within retail, leisure and...

READ MORE Business rates | Hackney Council