Lea Bridge Ward Forum Newsletter

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Keeping everyone informed. The Ward Forum Newsletter, from the Lea Bridge Ward Councillors, following the Ward Forum last week:


THANK you for attending the recent Ward Forum on 10th February. It was great to see so many residents there and to hear so many useful contributions on local issues. We are writing to summarise some of the main actions being taken on the areas of discussion.


We are aware that this is a significant issue in the ward. Officers are working on known flytipping hotspots including those streets identified at the meeting and taking a variety of measures to tackle this issue. You can report any issues by downloading the https://www.fixmystreet.com/app  or email wasteoperations@hackney.gov.uk. It would be really helpful if these details could also be circulated to neighbours.

Commercial Waste

If you have any concerns around issues with Commercial Waste please report to commercial.waste@hackney.gov.uk.

Dog Fouling

There have been 176 reports of dog fouling in Lea Bridge since 2021. The Council is arranging for a letter to be distributed to residents in some streets reminding dog owners of their responsibilities & street cleaners will remind residents that they should be clearing up after dogs . Officers are exploring other options including signage to remind people. If you see any instances please report to fix my street as above.

The Future of Chatsworth Road

The council is consulting on changes to Chatsworth Road & the surrounding streets to reduce vehicle traffic and to make the street safer, greener & more accessible for all road users. And close the market to all vehicles on Sundays. We had a really useful discussion with residents at the meeting feeding back on issues around Elderfield Road, Powerscroft Road, Clifden Road and journey times from Lea Bridge Road. Officers have noted all the points made and will be considering them as the plans develop. We have attended the two public consultation sessions in the market to help the process.

The online consultation is open until 21st of February & we would encourage everyone to complete it. https://consultation.hackney.gov.uk/streetscene/help-shape-the-future-of-chatsworth-road/.If you have already completed the consultation and have additional points to make please submit them by email to streetscene.consultations@hackney.gov.uk copying us as ward councillors – leabridge@hackney-labour.org.uk.

Lea Bridge Ward Police Panel

Representatives of the local police also attended the meeting. The police hold regular independently chaired ward panel meetings, The meetings are attended by the Councils ASB [Anti-Social Behaviour] officers  & set local policing priorities. If you want to be added to the distribution list & notified of future meetings or have any other policing concerns please email CEMailbox.leabridge@met.police.uk

To report crime or antisocial behaviour use the options in this link https://hackney.gov.uk/report-crime  or https://hackney.gov.uk/housing-anti-social (council tenants).

Please let us know if you have other issues, we hope to see you at the next ward forum in the early summer.

All the best

Margaret, Ian & Deniz

Ps Don’t forget we run three ward surgeries (advice sessions) a month that residents can attend, and you can also call us to leave messages at 07890 654 068.

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