Explore the proposed London Highline route
Walk the route of the proposed London Highline on 29th October 2023 at 12 noon Shoreditch High Street Station, finishing at Limehouse.

Join CPRE London who will be walking the route of the proposed Shoreditch forest garden, the London Highline, showing you the nature of the parks, rivers and canals of east London. The new park is to be created in Bishopsgate atop rail arches, and will be known as the London Highline. We will show you the route from the proposed highline, connecting to various east London parks.
We will walk with you explaining the forest in Bishopsgate, together with how it connects to all of the parks in east London via the Great Eastern Parks Route. We will also be meeting with the Friends of Ropemaker’s Fields for refreshments and a chat about the work they are doing in that green space.
We want to talk with you about east London changing for the better. Your support for this initiative is vital in creating a better urban environment for London. The ticket price will be shared between three community/charitable organisations working in the parks sector – CPRE London (the GoParksLondon project), the East London Garden Society, and Friends of Ropemaker’s Fields.
For more information about the proposed London Highline: eastlondongardensociety@gmail.com and http://www.elgs.org.uk/
To register for the walk, see https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/explore-the-proposed-london-highline-route-tickets-721153628917