Community First Panel priorities up to March 2014
The Leabridge Ward Community First Panel met on November 21 2013 and agreed the priorities for funding for the year to March 2014:
- To help promote the local economy
- To improve the quality of community life
- To bring different communities together
- To support the local heritage.
It was reported that all last year’s bids (2012/13) had eventually been submitted.
The Panel previously met on Monday 4 February 2013 and agreed to fund the following projects:
- Access to Sports Project
- Bruno Glint Gallery
- Clapton Improvement Society
- Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group
- Lea Valley FC
- Voice of Youth
- Photography in the Community
- The Tree Circle Cinema
You can find out more about the Community First Programme on About the Programme.
You can find out how to apply for funding at Apply for funding
You can find out more about how management of the programme is structured on About the Panel.