Clapton Conference – Clapton Festival – an opportunity to assist, and enjoy yourself into the bargain
Please take a few minutes to read the following and see if you can assist, and do something worthwhile and enjoyable into the bargain.Also, please forward this information to your mailing lists.
As I think most of you know, next weekend sees the first Clapton Festival taking place. This also coincides with the London Open Garden Squares Weekend ( in which Clapton Pond is participating.
After lots of organising by a team of generous and passionate local people (all volunteers!), there are still a few final arragements to be made for the Festival, and this is where you may come in.
There are three specific opportunities to volunteer at the weekend, as follows:
1) Clapton Pond
Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group will be having an information table at Clapton Pond, on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons. This will be to inform people about the work that Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group are involved in and also to provide information about the London Open Garden Squares Weekend. In order to enable people to enjoy the festival, we are assembling a team of people who will each be prepared to man this table for a couple of hours each on one of the afternoons.
If this is something you would be available for, please contact Dave Rindl, by e-mail (
2) Clapton Square – Please respond to Neil Burgess regarding these roles
There are various roles required to be filled at Clapton Square
A) A team of Stewards is needed during the day at Clapton Square.
These stewards are required for the music and children¹s events taking place in Clapton Square on Saturday 11th June. This is a farly easy, and hopefully fun, role. You will be required to help direct people to
the various events, help collect rubbish and donations (Not at the same time!).
B) One or more people to run a raffle.
The above two roles require attendance at 11am for a briefing and then a commitment of 4-5 hours during the day.
C) Also greatly appreciated would be a team of people who woud be willing to come early to help with the stage and to return late to dismantle it. (The stage events finish at 8pm)
Whichever of these you choose to be available for, Neil wants you all to know
“you will be contributing enormously to make the event a great success…… And you might get to wear a high visibility jacket and carry a radio!”
3) The Clapton Festival Market – St Johns Churchyard – Please respond to Jane Egginton – 07956 934 768 –
The Clapton Festival market is taking place on Saturday, 11th June, from 12–4pm. Volunteers are required from 10am, ideally until 6pm, but even just for a few hours. It is not anticipated that this will be hard work and, as with the whole event, will hopefully be fun. People are wanted to act as stewards, to set up/put away tables, assist with traffic, help pick up rubbish, perhaps hand out flyers a little further afield, and generally just wander around keeping an eye on things – reporting to market organisers on site.
A regular Saturday market will take place in the same location from 18th June, for which there is likely to be the opportunity for paid stewarding work – assisting at the Clapton Festival could be a good way of introducing yourself to the organisers.
We look forward to seeing you all around the Festival, and hopefully hearing from a fair number of you beforehand.