Category: Local news

Community Theatre Co – Local Residents’ Help Required

Daresaydays is a new local theatre company based in Lower Clapton/Homerton, and who are creating a piece in partnership with Sutton House, Hackney’s oldest residential building, the National Trust building in Homerton High Street. They make work inspired by communities, and collaborate with the artists living within them. They strive to make engaging, dynamic work that asks us to look at ourselves and our world...

Leabridge Ward Community First Panel – Notes of meeting on 21 November 2013

Further to CPNAG’s support of Leabridge Ward Community First Panel (see ) we have been keeping you up to date with funding deadlines on here (most recent has now passed). Below are the notes from the November Bid Setting Meeting. Keep your eyes open for news of the successful bids…. coming soon. THE NOTES: ·       Discussed...

Chatsworth Road Neighbourhood Plan – First Public Events

Chatsworth Road neighbourhood (neighbours to CPNAG) has a very active community WWW.CHATSWORTHROADE5.CO.UK  who have been developing a Neighbourhood Plan for a fair time now. Over the next few weeks they are holding four public events in order to give everyone in the designated area a chance to share their ideas and views on what can be included in the neighbourhood plan. The times...