Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group (CPNAG) Digital AGM – 2 November, 7.30 – 9.00pm

Just one week to go….Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group (CPNAG) Digital AGM
– 2 November, 7.30 – 9.00pm
– 2 November, 7.30 – 9.00pm
For on-line access link to AGM, please e-mail, (including your name)
Find out about CPNAG and what we do and, even, get involved – there are lots of opportunities to contribute to the community, at all kinds of levels, even during these unfamiliar times.
Following a short business meeting, and election of Committee for the year, we will have the chance to hear:
Sam Parry, Parks Development Manager
Sam will talk about the significance of biodiversity, the work of the council regarding biodiversity and what role we can play. This will be followed by a Q&A session. There is a Hackney biodiversity group which Sam organises which meets regularly to discuss and raise awareness of issues and concerns.